
Hhhh laurent binet book review
Hhhh laurent binet book review

  • "(A) marvelous, charming, engaging novel.
  • "What makes the novel unendurable, aside from the banal narrative devices, is - certainly in translation - the thesaurus of platitudes" - Frederic Raphael, Literary Review.
  • It is a mark of the book’s calibre that even if you are familiar with the details of the plot you still turn the pages praying for a better outcome." - Laurence Mackin, Irish Times (.) What we are left with is utterly compelling and ruthlessly fascinating.
  • "If this all sounds conflicted and self-involved, it isn’t.
  • (.) Despite his fussing about the nature of historical fiction, this is mesmeric stuff history brought to chilling, potent life." - Leyla Sanai, Independent on Sunday
  • "The overall effect is that Binet and his thoughts and opinions loom large.
  • "It's all very modern, but Binet is clever enough to tell a ripping yarn at the same time as giving us footnotes as to how he has done it." - Rebecca Armstrong, The Independent.
  • (.) It isn't that Binet brings any major new information to light, but he marshals and deploys his materials with exceptional dramatic skill." - James Lasdun, The Guardian Whether you find it something more than that will depend on how you feel about the application of breezy charm and amusingly anguished authorial self-reflexiveness to a book about the Nazi security chief Reinhard Heydrich, who must be one of the most unfunny figures in recorded history.
  • " HHhH is certainly a thoroughly captivating performance.
  • „Ich bin dabei, einen Infra-Roman zu schreiben.“ Binet träumt sich in die Rolle des Augenzeugen, ja fast des Mit-Widerständlers hinein." - Lorenz Jäger, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Den unbefangenen Leser stellen sie mit ihrem prätentiösen Ton doch auf eine harte Probe: „Ich glaube, ich beginne zu verstehen“, heißt es einmal.

    hhhh laurent binet book review

    "Eine gutwillige postmoderne Kritik kann diese steten Einschübe natürlich als „metafiktionale“ Reflexionen rechtfertigen.It’s that sort of book: clever, occasionally funny, a little bloodless, and self-regarding in the fullest sense of the term." - Sam Leith, Financial Times

    hhhh laurent binet book review

    "So either the publisher’s marketing department won, or the whole thing’s a big put-on.The problem Binet confronts is that the very concept of historical fiction is an oxymoron." - James Ley, The Age "(I)t is also an essay about our relation to historical fact and the responsibilities of a work of fiction that sets out to dramatise real events.No consensus, with opinions ranging from those who are very impressed to the completely dismissive Awarded the prix Goncourt du premier roman 2010ī- : jarring but facile approach has some entertainment value, but works at best as a YA novel.General information | review summaries | our review | links | about the author

    hhhh laurent binet book review

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    Hhhh laurent binet book review