
Andersen's fairy tales book
Andersen's fairy tales book


From its mother, it had inherited its dazzlingly white body and an intuitive understanding of life but from its father, it had acquired the desire for the blazing fire that would eventually reach its very core and shine the light for it in life. The sheep-a pretty little sheep-was the candle’s mother, and the melting pot was its father.


Indeed, it was destined to keep that promise and fulfill their expectations. It was formed in a way that made everyone who laid eyes on it believe that it must promise a bright and glorious future. This was the tallow candle’s cradle, and out of the warm cradle slipped the candle-perfectly shaped, all of a piece, shiny white and slender.


There was sputtering and sizzling as the flames played under the pan.

Andersen's fairy tales book