Perhaps Elizabeth and Daniil should have watched their backs, instead of each other. The sort of trouble Elizabeth isn't prepared for, ultimately tying her to the gun-waving killers. And lying to the Russian mafia can only cause groundbreaking shenanigans. While Elizabeth is busy distracting her overbearing parents.her lover is watching her. Forter decided Key West is their next destination to save their daughter from her 'down-slide' into the darker side.

The Lion Security team is thrown for a loop when Mr. But the mafia has nothing on her parents-the preacher and anti-gun conspirator. Elizabeth Forter tamed the head of the Russian mafia, Daniil Kozar. The best-selling mafia series, by NYT Times bestselling author, Scarlett Dawn, continues with Obsidian Mask, where stakes are raised in passion and devotion-not just guns.